Monday, March 29, 2010

Gettin' Busy and Photoshop's Black Magic

Spring quarter has started for me here at SCAD and things are in full swing. I'm taking Project Seminar 1, Large Format (SWEET), and 20th Century Art. Large Format looks to be really awesome, but I'm nervous about Project Seminar and I'm not sure quite yet what to think of 20th Century Art. I'm uneasy about Project Seminar because we have SO MANY CRITIQUES. We have to have around 12 new prints every week and I'm not used to shooting that many images in that time frame. What's worse is that the project and process I'm working on is quite time consuming. So yes. Scary. I'm loving Large Format and I really think I'd like to use view cameras after the class. I guess my biggest problem is staying proactive and not wasting time, 'cuz that's something I do so very well.

Anyway, on to the Industry. Adobe announced Photoshop cs5 a few days ago. This is planned obsolescence at its finest, but hey. Whatever.  The new version has cool stuff like 3d brushes and a few other cool features, but the most notable of which is the Content Aware feature. Just watch the video.

Insane, right? Apparently now if a photographer missed a shot he can wake up content aware which will then read his mind and compose a completely new photograph. That's a little far fetched, but this is some of the craziest stuff I've seen. The algorithms and mathematics behind this has got to be immensely complicated.

On another note, Adobe also released a second beta version of Lightroom 3. Here's hoping its going to be awesome.