Monday, May 10, 2010

New House and new photos.

Hello all.

So, as the title suggests, three of my friends and I have closed the deal on a new house for Summer and next year at SCAD. We're pretty psyched about the enormous amount of space we'll be having. Its going to be a massive leap forward as far as quality of living is concerned, and we can't wait to get everything moved in. So, partly to celebrate and partly to educate, I've put together a quick video tour of the house so friends and fam' can see the awesome. Enjoy.

House Tour from Zac Henderson on Vimeo.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Meddin Studios Video

Intro and Meddin Studios from Zac Henderson on Vimeo.

It was late when I made this video, and apparently I was quite confused because I kept referring to Meddin studios as Metter. The studio is in fact named Meddin Studios.